
Return-Path Data Lexicon: Clock Correction

CIMM is taking a pro-active role in advancing new media nomenclature and processes with both its Lexicon(terms and definitions associated with return path data measurement) and Asset Identification Primer (glossary of asset terms). These documents form the basis of this column, which offers a common language for RPD nomenclature that can expedite the rollout of data for its many industry applications.

Whether you call it Drift or Slippage (Return-Path Data Lexicon: Drifting), incorrect clock time or frequency tuning requires a correction or an adjustment so that content is correctly matched to the data stream. Here are terms associated with realigning drift:

Clock Alignment



See also: Clock Drift, Clock Synchronization

CIMM DEFINITION : The readjusting of the Set-Top Box clock or other hardware equipment with clocks to make it accurate and remove any drift.

2: The process used to adjust the start and end times of a tuning event to the "00" second. (Source: Nielsen)

Clock Synchronization

See also: Clock Alignment, Clock Drift

CIMM DEFINITION: The readjusting of the clock time when drift or slippage occurs.

2: A mechanism to measure on the Set-Top Box the exact time delay between the broadcast of content by the headend and the display of that content on the Set-Top Box , and the adjustment of all reported event times accordingly. Thus, all Set-Top Boxes  will report relative to content time reported in the as run logs, irrespective of any clock inaccuracies. (Source: FourthWall Media)

Time Adjustment

See also: Clock Drift

CIMM DEFINITION: Clocks in Set-Top Boxes  may be logged differently and may have clock drift. Processors must standardize the various clock times as part of the measurement process.

Please refer to the CIMM Lexicon online at for additional information on these and other terms.

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