NEW! Get Your Credit Swagger On With Experian Credit Tracker

experianAxe cologne might give a hormonal teen some swagger, but adults get off on a good credit score. Experian's latest ad campaign "Get your credit swagger on," helps consumers gain financial knowledge and confidence by using the company's Credit Tracker. When consumers monitor their credit and know their FICO Score, the swagger emerges. Like the man asking for a loan in "Hamburger Hot Dog." He has an impressive FICO score but a lousy idea to create hot dog-shaped hamburgers. See it here. A woman walks into a bank looking for a mortgage in "Home Loan." Her FICO score makes her so confident that she plops her feet on the bank manager's desk, wanting to know what else the man can do for her. Watch it here. The Martin Agency created the campaign directed by Benjamin Weinstein of Tool.



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