Weed Advisor Rolling Papers Educate People About Drugged Driving

Following the legalization of marijuana in 23 states and Washington, D.C., We Save Lives, a highway safety advocacy organization, launched a PSA to educate people about drunk, drugged and distracted driving. The company put the message on the medium with Weed Advisor Rolling Papers. Regular smoking paper was combined with a nontoxic printed design to give smokers a serious message. As the paper is rolled into cigarette form, an image of two cars are seen coming closer to each other until they crash in a head-on collision. "Pot slows your reactions. Don't smoke and drive," reads the smoking papers. Two thousand packs of these rolling papers were distributed during World Cannabis Week; We Save Lives is looking into options to produce and distribute more either online or via a licensing agreement. Watch it here, created by Bravo/Y&R.



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