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49% See Internet Of Things As Important For Business Growth

The Internet of things (IoT) has been a topic of conversation for several years, but business executives appear to have gotten to the point where they have a clear understanding of what IoT can mean to their business, and companies increasingly are putting plans in place to launch initiatives around the trend. Those were some of the findings of a survey by QuinStreet Enterprise—which publishes a number of tech news sites, including eWEEK—conducted earlier this year. More than 600 professionals were asked a broad range of questions about IoT, from its importance to their businesses and where they got their information, to the primary drivers behind their IoT initiatives and the key hurdles that make leveraging IoT in their companies daunting. However, the overall message was clear: IoT is here, it's growing and it's going to have a significant impact on business going forward. Now most companies appear to be trying to figure out how and when to get their initiatives off the ground and how they're going to implement the efforts. This slide show takes a look at the top takeaways from the survey.

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