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Internet Retailing During Holidays Overextends Delivery Companies

An interesting article from The San Francisco Chronicle points out that the dramatic surge in online retailing (especially during the holidays) extends the resources of delivery companies like UPS to their absolute limits. One UPS driver reports making more than 300 deliveries on Tuesday the 20th, the single busiest day of the year for delivery companies handling a workload that's nearly 50 percent more than last year's, according to the article. And the business of moving packages is strenuous work, too. Delivery companies like UPS and FedEx report they had already surpassed their holiday goals before Dec. 20 due to the increases in Internet retailing this year, which were 18.6 percent as of Dec. 18, according to a study from Goldman Sachs, Nielsen/NetRatings and Harris Interactive. UPS, which handles roughly 60 percent of Internet purchases, moved 20 million packages Tuesday; FedEx handled 8.5 million on its peak day, Dec. 12.

Read the whole story at San Francisco Chronicle »

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