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Viewdle's Facial Recognition Tech: Future Of Video Search?

Ann Smarty knows that Viewdle's video search technology isn't exactly new--but that's not the point. The fact that the roughly two-year-old video search engine is light years ahead of that the big engines when it comes to analyzing the content that's actually inside the video (as opposed to the meta tags or page it's on), is the big deal.

"Simply put, Viewdle technology 'sees' the person, 'remembers' him/her and 'recognizes' the person throughout all new videos," Smarty says. "That also means video search gets really relevant--the technology makes sure the video will include an actual appearance of the person searched."

Though Viewdle's engine currently only seeks and finds people in videos, with time, engineers will likely be able to tweak the facial recognition tech to make it applicable to inanimate objects like trees, buildings and automobiles.

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