Around the Net

There Is A Thing Called Too Much Data

Do you enjoy sifting through spreadsheet upon spreadsheet in search of the top-performing ad group or most cost-effective use of broad matching? If so, you're probably not alone among other SEM geeks, but as Greg Meyers notes, you would likely bury your client with all that data.

"If I were a client on the receiving end of a 1-2 hour weekly and/or monthly PPC status call, I would dread it," Meyers says. "Because I would not want to hear the PPC Guru or the Account Manager on the other end telling me every stink'n little change in the traffic metrics different from the previous week or month."

So what kinds of metrics should you share during your status call? Meyers says that for PPC-only clients, stick to performance metrics like orders/leads generated and ROAS, monthly traffic by engine, and comparisons to the previous month.

As for slides, show them the top 25 keywords and ads, and if applicable, slides that show the impact of offline promotions and seasonal events on search traffic. Lastly, you may want to eschew reporting on stats like average click-through percentage and average time on site--as they may not be relevant to the client's bottom line.

Read the whole story at SEM Geek »

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