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Play 20 Questions Before Hiring An SEO Firm

Jon Rognerud suggests asking at least 20 questions before handing your $10 million or even $10,000 business over to a search firm or consultant. The queries are aimed at helping you determine whether the firm's knowledge base, cost efficiency and ability to deliver results are worthy of your account.

"And as the search engines are continuously updating their own methods of providing accurate search results, it's even more important to find a search marketing agency that's up-to-date on the latest strategies," Rognerud says.

The questions range from fundamentals like "Do you guarantee top search engine rankings?" to "Would you make recommendations on my site's copy/content?" and even "How can I ensure that you will operate ethically?" Rognerud includes a link to his seven-page "Official SEO Hiring Guide," available at the OPEN Forum, which includes the rationale behind each question and the potential "right" answers.

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