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Add Article Marketing To Your SEO Roster

Kalena Jordan dives into the basics of article marketing, explaining why it should be added to a good SEOs bag of tricks. After a Web site has been optimized and the initial link-building campaign has run its course, article marketing can help keep fresh inbound links flowing, and pump up SERP rankings.

So hire a freelance writer, or corral someone in-house to start crafting well-written, keyword-rich pieces. And instead of rolling out self-promotional pieces, brainstorm ways to draw readers in (either offering them advice, tips or anecdotes) and make the connection to your product or service themselves.

Then, take the time to promote the articles effectively. "Compiling a distribution list of niche article directories is time well spent on your campaign," Jordan says. "Depending on whether you intend to distribute your article to dozens or hundreds of article directories, you may wish to consider using article submission software."

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