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Charlie Graham

Member since June 2005Contact Charlie

Charlie Graham is a serial entrepreneur with over 15 years starting and working in start-ups, most recently as founder and CEO of Shop It To Me, Inc. Confident that there had to be a more effortless (or personalized or customized) way to shop for clothing online, Charlie founded and launched Shop It To Me, a free online personal shopper for sales of clothing, shoes and accessories that notifies more than 4 million loyal subscribers when designer clothing they want goes on sale in their sizes at 200 major and boutique retailers. Since launching in 2005, Shop It To Me has been honored as one of 12 sites that revolutionized shopping by Lucky Magazine, been given a nod as an “Editor’s Choice” in O, the Oprah Magazine, and has been touted on Good Morning America, The Early Show and TODAY, as well as in Glamour and InStyle magazines among others. Prior to Shop It To Me, Charlie was the co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of Hipbone, Inc., a provider of enterprise-level chat and co-browsing solutions for Fortune 500 customers like American Express, Wells Fargo and Office Depot, and winner of the 2002 and 2003 Crossroads A-List and 2001 Frost & Sullivan Entrepreneurial Company awards. At Hipbone, Charlie created the strategic and technical vision, created and managed the product requirements, built and managed the engineering team, grew Hipbone to 50 employees and facilitated an acquisition by Kana Communications, Inc. (KANA) in February, 2004. Charlie received an A.B with honors in Computer and Information Technology from Harvard University, and an M.B.A from Harvard Business School where he was a Baker Scholar. In the few moments he is not at work, Charlie is an avid fan of behavioral psychology, distance running, puzzle hunts, and more recently, toy shopping. Charlie also loves great sales.

Articles by Charlie All articles by Charlie

  • Creating A Customized Digital Experience in Marketing Daily on 06/25/2012

    Customers want to engage with brands that make the effort to show that they are interested in them -- and uniquely them. Personalization -- from the beginning of the customer journey throughout the entire process -- is one of the best ways to accomplish that goal.

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