• A "Generation X" Perspective: UTStarcom Pocket PC 6700 vs. Apple iPhone.
    I have come to the conclusion that no other single group of individuals in earth’s history had been and will be exposed to technology (access and creation) like generation Xers. I was born back in 1973, and I’m an Xer to the bone, in fact, I even carry one X with me all the time, […]
  • We'll Be Right Back...
    At the time of this writing, it's 10:22pm on a Monday night. My favorite new addition to the prime-time lineup is on. And I'm not watching it. Why should I? Who can stand the endless minutes of professionally produced attempts to grab my attention, trying to coerce me into buying some product I don't likely [...]
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  • Technically it's my roommate's Wii . . .
    My roommate got the Nintendo Wii for Christmas. I've been playing it ever since! I've created a Mii, which is an avatar to represent yourself on the network and in the sports games. Once you create your own Mii, your Mii can travel around to different Nintendo Wii's that are connected to [...]
  • Facebook me
    I am almost embarrassed to admit this, but Facebook has become an essential part of my social life. Last week, on January 3, I flew to Madrid to begin a three and a half month study abroad tour of the world. Since we haven´t yet figured out a cheap way to call home, [...]
  • I'm not obsessed...I'm savvy. Ok, I'm obsessed.
    There are a few things in life that I could not live with out (family, friends, and love). Additionally, there is no doubt in my mind that I could not live with out my iBook (G4) and the Internet. I am obsessed...crazy obsessed. The first thing I do when I wake up in the [...]
  • Seduced by the Nano
    Since its 2001 debut in the gadget marketplace, I have made it a personal goal to protest the iPod whenever possible. Believe it or not, I have lived for the past several years sans the characteristic white headphones hanging from my ears. I griped about my friends who pretentiously took out one earphone when carrying [...]
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