• Goodbye to the Traditional Textbook?
    Are college textbooks expensive? Yes. Are they heavy and annoying to lug around to class everyday? Yes. Should we do away with them? I'm not sure. Buying books is a hassle. If it's a new edition of the textbook, then you have to pay the price for a [...]
  • Twitter...revisited (but still not for me)
    Thank you so much for all your comments on my last post about Twitter. Clearly, I was missing a huge piece of what Twitter is. Although I understand now that Twitter has functions other than just updating status, I personally still don't see any reason for me to adopt Twitter into my basic [...]
  • Part 3 of 3: Summer Contact - Ping.fm
    Throughout the summer, I have posted a couple of blogs about different ways I am staying informed of my friend's actions and how I am keeping them informed of my doings. The first blog was about Digsby and the second was about Alert Thingy. This blog is about the ultimate application in social network updating: [...]
  • Twitter Success! Or, I'm an Early Adopter with a Social Media Dilemma
    I was cruising through our WordPress comments list for this blog and noticed the plethora of comments on a post on Twitter. As a fellow blogger I feel I should offer an alternative viewpoint, with all respect to my friendly millennial counterpart. I'm a huge Twitter fan. I signed up for the service in 2007 but [...]
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