Coupons Deals Study


The Coupons & Deals Survey from Borrell Associates is an in-depth look at more than 39,000 consumers’ views and habits when it comes to daily deals and coupons online. For a complete view, this also includes a survey report from 729 advertisers detailing their thoughts about coupons and daily deals. This report contains over 40 charts detailing such information as:

  • Almost 74% of consumers say they want to save money with Deals, more than half also want to try something new or buy items or services that are usually too expensive.
  • Food and restaurant items top the consumer interest area for Deals, followed by entertainment.
  • Only 18% of advertisers report having specifically shifted dollars away from other types of efforts to Coupons within the last year.
  • When it comes to evaluating the success of any program, 52% of advertisers indicate the number of new customers is the most important.

 This full survey report is available for download and contains full charts and graphs on all the survey responses along with an executive summary. 

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