• How To Get Your Email Delivered
    A good deliverability profile is essential, because 87% of consumers do not trust emails that land in 'junk' -- in fact, emails that land in junk are only a fifth as effective as those that successfully reach an inbox. There are a number of factors that influence deliverability. Because there are so many considerations, email isn't always the 'quick win' that many marketers hope.
  • DMA Wants Email Marketers' Views On Brexit
    The Advertising Association and the DMA are undertaking a survey to explore the impact of Brexit on the employment, business opportunities and investment decisions of your company. The results will not be used to take a political stance but to inform our sector's Brexit negotiations and emphasise to government what your business needs to ensure future success.
  • Verizon To Decide How Much Yahoo Is Worth After Email Hack Investigation
    Verizon will decide how much it is willing to pay for Yahoo next month when an investigation into its massive security breach is completed. Speaking at Intel Capital's Global Summit on Monday, Verizon CEO Lowell McAdam said the breach was "a big deal. A big deal to Yahoo management and a big deal to us."
  • Elderly Accountant Stole GBP150k To Pay Email Scammer
    A lonely beancounter has been jailed after he fell for what appears to be a classic Nigerian email scam, and conned GBP150,000 out of a friend so he could bankroll his fake damsel in distress. Brian Ridpath, of Willesborough, Kent, England, was fooled into believing the story of Lisa Johnson, who emailed him X-rated snaps and asked for emergency funds.
  • Personalisation Key To Engaging Brits Over Email
    UK consumers remain wedded to email. An Ipsos MORI study earlier this year indicated that email was the most popular digital activity among consumers in Great Britain. An August 2016 study from the IDM found that personalising marketing emails offered numerous benefits. Among the UK marketers polled, 82% said personalisation led to increased open rates.
  • Microsoft UK Prices Due To Rise As Pound Weakens
    Costs for Microsoft enterprise customers will increase by 13% for computer software and 22% for so-called online cloud services, where the company hosts a customer's data in a virtual storage centre. Microsoft is one of the biggest sellers of business software in the UK, led by its suite of Office programs such as Word, Powerpoint and Outlook, as well as its cloud service Azure.
  • GoDaddy Offers Email Archiving And Encryption
    Last week Web hosting company GoDaddy announced that it would be offering email archiving and email encryption for its customers who are Office 365 users. The services are targeted toward SMBs and will be available as "add-on services for all GoDaddy Office 365 customers," according to a press release.
  • Double Opt-In Makes For Better Qualified Lists
    The double opt-in process will often result in higher-quality recipients and lists. Most importantly, double opt-ins confirm the validity of new subscribers by asking them to complete a second step in the opt-in process -- usually by clicking a confirmation link in an email that was automatically triggered during the first step. The malicious trend of subscription bombing is on the rise.
  • Campaign Monitor Unveils Microsoft Dynamics Tie Up
    Campaign Monitor, a provider of email marketing and automation software, has released Campaign Monitor for Microsoft Dynamics. With Campaign Monitor for Microsoft Dynamics, marketers can harness customer data to tailor communications and send more targeted email marketing campaigns.
  • Relevant Pictures In Email Catch A Reader's Attention
    If you are running email marketing campaigns, you should add one or two images into the email body. However, you should be very careful to include only the relevant pictures. People hate it when they find useless things in their inbox. Web site and app developers should incorporate visual content whenever possible in order to engage and keep users.
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