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Senate Passes Stand-Alone STELA Bill

  • B&C, Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:48 AM
The Senate Thursday passed a stand-alone version of the STELA, the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act, that changes what has been a five-year renewal of the satellite license to 10 years. The bill reauthorizes the license that allows satellite subscribers who cannot get a viewable signal from their in-market affiliate to get an out-of-market version. It will also get local signals to the remaining 28 or so smaller markets where it has been uneconomical to deliver them.

The change to a 10-year window was so the bill would "score" in terms of being revenue neutral, which it is not at five years. The 10-year version would actually be revenue positive to the tune of $270-$280 million.

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