Study: Marketing Departments To Reorganize

  • April 28, 2010
Three-quarters of global marketing executives expect to reorganize their marketing departments by the end of next year, according to a new Forrester report released Tuesday.

Reasons for the changes include economic turmoil, the rise of digital marketing and social media, and maladaptive org charts that are slow to react to consumer needs. To begin the process of reorganization, CMOs need to understand what global context they operate in, according to Forrester Analyst Steven Noble.

"CMOs must create a global marketing team that uses data and customer insight to learn, adapt and grow in real time, anywhere in the world," Noble writes on his blog. --Tanya Irwin

1 comment about "Study: Marketing Departments To Reorganize ".
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  1. Steve Schildwachter from Enterprise CMO, LLC, May 5, 2010 at 8:35 a.m.

    This article says marketing departments will then published a headline today (5 May) that makes it seem like this reorg already happened! It was funny...see the side-by-side comparison here:

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