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FX At Turning Point, Dives Into Comedy

  • The Wrap, Wednesday, August 4, 2010 11:21 PM
John Landgraf, president and general manager of FX, outlined his ongoing programming strategy at TCA, which includes two new series -- the boxing drama "Lights Out" and a private-eye dramedy "Terriers" -- and a deep expansion into comedy.Landgraf said FX, which only had one comedy last year, will have five by next year, including a renewal of the freshman sitcom "Louie" and the launch of "U.S.S. Alabama," a sci-fi comedy from the creators of "Reno 911."

Though Landgraf touted "The Shield," "Nip/Tuck" and "Rescue Me" as trailblazers for the network's current lineup -- including the biker drama "Sons of Anarchy," FX's highest-rated original series ever -- "Rescue Me," the only among its pioneering trio of original series that's still with the network. It will end next year after its seventh season. In July, DirecTV announced a deal to pick up the legal drama "Damages" after low ratings pushed it to the brink of cancellation on FX.



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