Chevy Launches Cruze, Chats With Corolla

  • September 7, 2010

The new TV campaign for Chevy Cruze is live today.

The spot, with actor Tim Allen doing voiceover, is an open letter to Toyota's Corolla.

The campaign for Cruze, with a "Get Used to More" tag, explains to Corolla that change is hard, and that Toyota's compact car should give Chevy's compact a call to discuss it, "...when you get home," Allen says, explaining that Corolla doesn't have Blue Tooth standard.

The ads also use third-party endorsements of the car.

1 comment about "Chevy Launches Cruze, Chats With Corolla".
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  1. Cameron Mcnaughton from McNaughton Automotive Perpsectives, September 8, 2010 at 1:09 p.m.

    The ads are nicely done and to the point, we'll have to wait to see where they take the Chevy brand:

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