
Don't Ditch Email Marketing

With all the great social media tools available, some brands have opted out of using email to engage the mom consumer. According to a recent study from the Marketing to Moms Coalition, that strategy may not be working. “We discovered variability in the social networking habits of the different mom generational groups for their own behaviors,” states the report.  “Specifically, Millennial Moms are most likely to use Facebook to share, while Boomer Moms are most likely to use email to share. Generation X Moms are split; the youngest subgroup (30-34) use Facebook more, while 35-44 use email most to share.”

If you are like most people, your email inbox is filled with brand messaging–so which email messages work the best when it comes to getting mom’s attention?  Here are some tips:

  • Make It Relevant & Useful:  Make sure the information you are sending to her is relevant and necessary. The more targeted the message and the list the better–you don’t want to send a mom of teenagers tips for infant care. Also, include links (and make sure they look like links) wherever you feel readers may want to click for more information. 
  • Put the Good Stuff Above the Fold: Regardless of the email system being used, chances are readers get to preview the first few lines before ever opening your message. Think beyond the subject line and put your most relevant and exciting information at the top of your message.
  • Have a Call to Action: If you truly want mom to engage with your brand, give her something to do with the information you are providing via your email campaign.  Add a coupon or a discount code, invite her to attend a special event…something that takes her beyond just reading your email and brings her into your store.
  • Don’t Message Her Too Often: Timing is everything; only send an email when it is relevant and necessary. Unless you are offering “Daily Deals,” you should really limit your e-newsletters to once or twice a month. When in doubt about frequency, ask your subscribers. Moms love when you ask for their input.   
  • Integrate: Always provide links to your social media networks within your e-newsletters and encourage readers to continue the conversation within their own networks. Also, use your networks to promote your newsletter—it’s a great way to get new subscribers. 



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