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Bonnie Fuller: How Women's Mags Are Missing The Digital Boat

Digital versions of trad women's mags are missing out on traffic from millennial women because they lack real-time news stories, argues former women's magazine editor Bonnie Fuller. Sure, her piece is slightly self-serving (guess who DOES serve the needs of millennial women on the Web? Fuller's current project,, but she does make a valid point. Most magazine sites "are set up to promote editorial content from their monthly issues and encourage young women to become subscribers," she writes. "But with these print titles experiencing double-digit newsstand drops in the past year, can they afford NOT to get with the program?"

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1 comment about "Bonnie Fuller: How Women's Mags Are Missing The Digital Boat".
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  1. Nina Zapala from Anson-Stoner, August 8, 2012 at 7:38 p.m.

    Very interesting story. I believe Fuller is right on.
    Why aren't magazines offering digitized stories that go beyond their print pages? One magazine that does this well is Travel & Leisure. They often invite readers to join then on one of their social channels for a chat with a chef, engage with one of their writers and so on. Topical, timely, and original content is always welcome regardless of the medium.

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