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NYTimes Debuts Web App For iPad

The New York Times launched an HTML5 web app for the iPad, following the lead of the Financial Times in "investing in an HTML5-driven experience that could readily cross platforms — and didn’t require giving Apple its 30 percent vig," writes Joshua Benton. Still, "it’s unclear how it can (or why it should) compete with the Times’ better, native iPad app."

Benton goes on to further dissect how the Times has been adapting its content to various platforms and devices -- and how each iteration fits into the paywall: "The Times’ tiered structure is based on devices, which at one level seems retrograde — the paper’s offering the same set of stories on any device, after all. But in the long term, maximizing digital subscription revenues will depend on the paper’s ability to move people up that value chain — not just from free to paying, but also from paying a little to paying a lot."

Read the whole story at Nieman Journalism Lab »

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