
How To Work With Social Influencers

  • by , Op-Ed Contributor, September 21, 2015
What an exciting time to be a brand marketer doing endorsement deals.  Some brands are still spending millions to secure a Hollywood celebrity like Matthew McConaughey (Lincoln), Jennifer Aniston (Smart Water), William Shatner (Priceline), or Emma Stone (Revlon).

But now “celebrity” representation doesn’t always need to cost millions or come from the stars of film, TV, or music. You can tap the newest trend of using social celebrities instead.

How did this happen?

It started with social-media platforms, including Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Vine and Snapchat, giving birth to a new realm of creative content. Any user with a smartphone can publish content with the push of the button. With 85% smartphone penetration among U.S. Nillennials, the pool of content is endless.

For example, over 70 million photos are posted to Instagram on any given day, and over 1.5 billion Vine loops are played daily. This is creating an outlet for millions of people and new celebrities.

The only difference between a social celebrity and a traditional celebrity is the medium by which they acquired fame.

Because social media affords traditional celebrities the ability to capture and quantify their influence, there is a convergence of the two worlds. Now what you see are social celebrities, such as Cameron Dallas (Instagram, Vine) applying their star power to film, Jack and Jack (Vine, YouTube) applying their star power to music and traditional celebrities such as Steve-O applying his flair to Snapchat.

Why should you invest your brand’s energy into this emerging space?

Social media is where Millennials are consuming media. With over 100 million active users on Snapchat, this demographic commanded over 71% of the app's user base. YouTube reaches almost 50% of the 18- to 34-year-old population -- more than any cable network.

New ad products such as Facebook video are looming on the horizon for content creators to join in on the conversation. A YouTube study found that an astonishing 98% of 18- to-34-year-olds reported using their smartphone on a daily basis to consume video content—42% higher than on computers, and 17% higher than on TVs.

Bottom line, your consumer is on social-media consuming content. So  meet them there.

How can I join the conversation?

There are three steps to working through these new media platforms with success. Achievement in this case means creating content that is authentic, doesn’t come off as gimmicky, and relates to your brand’s audience. 

1.    Nothing is more confusing for an audience than a brand with multiple personality disorder. Once your vision is honed, identify your audience. Determine which platform plays to your media strengths.

Are you a company that focuses on relating to audiences through specific archetypes, popular culture, or one-off narratives? Vine may be your best bet.

Are you a company rich with incredible imagery or photography? Instagram will be the spot to put your best foot forward. The filters act as a layer of makeup for your content.

Do you have an upcoming even,t or does your brand have unique personality? Snapchat is a great place to share an exclusive glimpse or intimate insight into your brand's swag.

2.    Let social media influencers be your co-pilots. For those brands who haven’t run a campaign on emerging social media, have no fear -- your influencer is here. Heed their platform advice and knowledge of the landscape. You can leverage the audience of a social media celebrity by posting content directly to their channel if you do not have your own platform.

3. Listen to your audience. Social media provides an incredible feedback loop for brands. If you have done your homework and have worked with an influencer, you should be right where you want to be.

However, it is important to recognize that the internet is riddled with “trolls.”  The haters you should be concerned with are those created from your inability to add value to someone’s social experience.

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