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iPhone Users' Loyalty Likely To Overcome Price Resistance

  • 9to5Mac, Friday, August 25, 2017 7:14 AM

A suggestion by Barclays that “only” one in five iPhone owners will be willing to pay the rumored $1000+ price of the iPhone 8 has been countered by survey results showing the loyalty people feel to the Apple brand and ecosystem. The survey found that only 5% of iPhone owners expected to buy a Samsung next time. It also showed that iPhone owners have the highest loyalty of any smartphone brand.

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1 comment about "iPhone Users' Loyalty Likely To Overcome Price Resistance".
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  1. Douglas Ferguson from College of Charleston, August 28, 2017 at 12:43 p.m.

    I didn't pay $950 for my iPhone 7, so the increase is more than $50.  

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