Facebook Offers Audio To Introduce Users To Various Artists

As part of a broader effort to increase video engagement, Facebook is offering amateur auteurs a library of audio to spice up their offerings.

At launch, the new Sound Collection service includes thousands audio tracks and sound effects, all of which are owned by Facebook. They are free and legal …

1 comment about "Facebook Offers Audio To Introduce Users To Various Artists".
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  1. Denny Daniel from The Museum of Interesting Things, December 11, 2017 at 11:26 a.m.

    Clearly this is a ploy for youtube to stop people from making anything there as far as monetization. They have made it nearly impossible to monetize. They now say that nearly all videos are not suitable and you have to have at least 1000 views to even try to change that. So it is not worth it to post on youtube. You are wasting 1000 views for free for them. This change just happened and they are not tellling anyone, you just get punished. I work with kids and nothing I post is unsuitable. so the "algorithm" is a scam! 

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