sports betting

Manning Bros Play Charades For Caesars Sportsbook

JB Smoove, the pitchman for Caesars Sportsbook, is back with a new ad featuring the Manning brothers.

In the ad, via Ten6, the brothers are playing charades with Smoove, who is throwing out impossible clues. Cooper Manning then bests his brothers by answering with a complicated answer (later boiled down to 27 words) that ends “because Caesar is the man?”

With that, Smoove shouts “Yes!” and he hugs Cooper as the others complain about the “worst clues ever."

The effort comes after Caesars Entertainment CEO Thomas Reeg said on an Aug. 2 earnings call that the company was cutting its ad spend.  “I mean, compared to last fall, it's going to seem like we've left the year entirely, but you will run into a commercial or two depending on where you are and what you're watching,” Reeg said.

Caesars Sportsbook app went live in 2021. Caesars competes with DraftKings and FanDuel, which both spent a commensurate amount on ads during the first half of 2022.

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