Yahoo Builds Up Wiki Search

  • February 24, 2006
Expanding on its previous integration with Wikimedia, Yahoo! Search on Wednesday made the search results from Wikipedia more accessible with fewer clicks and scrolls. When users see a Wikipedia search result in Yahoo! Search, there will now be a 'Quick Links' section, which will take them to the main sections of the Wikipedia entry to help them find what you are looking for. Last December, Yahoo debuted it shortcuts beta--an extension of its Search Shortcuts, which is intended to simplify the search process. Using custom keywords, Open Shortcuts lets users navigate to Web sites, recall common searches on Yahoo!, and search favorite sites. Open Shortcuts can be activated from any Yahoo! Search box. Some examples of shortcuts include typing "!clist," which takes the user directly to Craigslist; typing "!wiki rosier," which searches Wikipedia for entries with "rosier".
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