Around the Net

Internalized Anger

At a gathering of traditional print journalists, Internet commentators, Web company pros and "Rick's Cafe-style foreign correspondents," one finds "a great deal of internalized anger" writes Georgie Anne Geyer. "Newspaper people are sincerely worried about their beloved craft today--and about how helter-skelter the Internet mavens seem to be about what they're doing to newspapering." But Dan Gillmor, founder of the Center for Citizen Media, says, "for journalists, this is a profound change from the lecture model of the past to something more like a conversation.... The citizen media is not trying to replace the current media, God forbid. It is not [trying] to get rid of journalism but to improve it." For Geyer, his conception "is one of citizens simply able to talk back or at least to chat with the until-now 'authority' journalism, while others see the abundant bloggers as a whole new world of journalism in itself."



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