Study: Big Brands Draw Most Word-of-Mouth

  • December 1, 2006
Influencers or "conversation catalysts" make up 15% of the population, but account for more than one-third of brand-related word-of-mouth, according to a study released Thursday by research firm Keller Fay. The study, based on interviews with 7,200 Americans ages 13-69, found that so-called conversation catalysts referenced brand names in at least 184 conversations each week, compared to 114 for non-influencers. Keller Fay also found that certain brands are more likely to be named than others; Pepsi, Coke, Target, Honda, Sony and Apple generated the highest volume of word-of-mouth conversations among all the brands discussed. Keller Fay also found that the overwhelming majority of conversations about brands occur offline or on the phone--72% and 17%, compared to 4% that occur on instant or text message, 3% on e-mail, and 1% in online chat rooms or blogs.
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