About.com Launches Nutritional Community

  • October 4, 2007
About.com has launched Calorie Count Plus (http://caloriecount.about.com), an online community site geared toward guiding and supporting dieters. Users will find recipes, articles on food and exercise, and forums to discuss various nutrition and health topics.

In addition, Calorie Count Plus gives users tools like an interactive journal to record and share their dieting experiences, as well as an actual calorie-counting feature to help keep track of their weight loss goals.

Users create a lifestyle profile that focuses on their current physical attributes and exercise level, as well as a list of their favorite foods. The site then uses that information to recommend healthy foods and exercise tips that the member will like and actually follow to help them lose weight.

"Calorie Count Plus arms dieters with a foundation to help them succeed at weight loss," said Marjorie Martin, general manager, About.com Health.

"Dieters can use Calorie Count Plus to supplement an existing diet, or they can use the site on its own as a way to track daily calories and exercise compared to weight-loss goals."

The site also includes a knowledge index with nutrition facts on more than 70,000 foods, articles and video from relevant About.com Guides and a twelve-week exercise plan.

In the coming months, Calorie Count Plus will have a mobile component that allows users to get nutrition information on-the-go, including the calorie counts of entrees before they order them at a restaurant.

Advertisers have the option to buy standard banner or display ads, although the company may offer page or section sponsorship options in the future.

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