
Liquor Company Picks Super Bowl Of Print For Underage-Drinking Message

Pernod Ricard USA is running a print ad in Sports Illustrated's swimsuit edition targeting parents who turn the other cheek to underage drinking.

Encouraging parents to "Accept Responsibility," the ad marks the first time Pernod Ricard USA, which manufactures Kahlua Liqueur, Seagram's Extra Dry Gin, Malibu flavored Rum and StolichnayaVodkas, among others, placed a liquor spot in the SI Swimsuit Issue, whose 2008 version will be on newsstands Tuesday.

This media buy reminds me of a similar move by The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, which launched a paid ad during this year's Super Bowl to educate parents about teenage prescription drug abuse.

The Super Bowl ad featured a drug dealer complaining about his decline in business due to easily accessible prescription drugs found in many teenagers' homes.

The Pernod Ricard ad, running in the print equivalent of the Super Bowl (estimated to reach 69 million readers), uses serious copy placed in a drinking glass, complete with a mini-umbrella.

"Underage drinking doesn't start with a drink. It starts with an excuse," begins the ad. "We drank when we were that young and we turned out ok. It's fine if he takes a sip. My son knows the limit. These kids are under so much pressure. I say let's cut them a break. I don't mind if he's drinking with his friends. Just as long as they're doing it at our house," concludes the ad.

The ad drives parents to, where parents can watch TV elements of this campaign and find resources on binge drinking, drunk driving and underage drinking.

Fly Communications created the ad and handled the media buy.

The ad has the potential to stand out next to ones actually promoting beer, wine and alcohol, but will it be effective?

The anti-drug Super Bowl ad reached a large audience but fell flat among more memorable creative. Will the same thing happen to Pernod Ricard USA?

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