

Growing up I do not remember watching cartoons on a regular basis, however I still enjoy The Jetsons! Not that I claim to be an avid fan nor have I seen every show, but something about the futuristic family life has always fascinated me. But recently I was reminded that many of the Jettsonian practices are slowly being integrated into the present.

Today I was thinking about my impatience with people in the weight room.... wondered if there could be a system integrated into the gym that allowed for effective use of the weights. Currently, I have to sign up for a cardio machine, why could this not be used for the weights?

As I pondered this, I realized that impatience is a virtue of our American culture. Meaning that not only do we no longer accept waiting, we now are inventing ways to foster our impatience and our laziness. For instance, one of the dorms at my college has an electronic sign-up for the laundry room. Can you believe it! Yes, the idea of riding the elevator with all of the necessary laundry supplies is a hassle.... but why the need for sign-ups?

Maybe, along with our impatience, comes pride. We are too proud to take the time to do certain things. And fortunately, for all of us, we now have a dependence on technology to foster our inner character.

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