AOL Makes More Big Moves

  • May 11, 2001
AOL Time Warner Inc. has expanded its technology and marketing deal with Cisco Systems Inc., and made CVS Corp.'s pharmacies one of its primary retail partners for its "You've Got Pictures" service. The deals continue AOL Time Warner's drive to create partnerships with blue-chip firms, which is something they feel has helped them weather the decline in ad spending that has hurt many of their rivals.

The terms of the technology pact lets AOL Time Warner double the capacity and coverage of its AOL Transit Data Network by adding routers from Cisco, which lets AOL support the growth of its interactive brands. Cisco will continue to advertise across AOL Time Warner online properties, and continue its marketing relationships with the company's print and cable divisions.

In the deal with CVS, consumers will be able to use the "You've Got Pictures" service in more than 4,100 stores when the new version is launched this summer. The service, delivered in conjunction with Eastman Kodak, will be interactive and will allow consumers to view, share, and store photographs online. When consumers drop off their negatives, in addition to receiving both prints and negatives, their pictures will be also delivered directly to their AOL account.

- Adam Bernard

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