
WonderGroup - ToppsTown

  • by August 26, 2008
Finalist Social Networking

Matt Fischer; Jeff Jones; Elaine Skeldon; Meredith Miller; Lisa Alexander; Matt Berning; Evan Oliver; Russell Griffith; Lee Calloway; Eric Rohlman; Mark Van Patten; Erica Minto

With a parent's help, 8-to-10- year-old sports fans can easily build their avatar and get dug in the dugout. The black and red slippery design, the character welcoming visitors with his goofy face and tighty whities and the sloppy splurty noises in the hot dog canon game are on the money. Navigation is so simple an 8 year old could do it and the environment is safe. The virtual trading card binder gives kids the opportunity to interact and appeals to their enjoyment of the thrill of the hunt. It all ties into card collecting in a logical way.

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