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Seattle Newspaper Writes Its Own Obituary

  • Time, Friday, January 16, 2009 9:15 AM

On Jan. 9, Hearst told the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that the paper was being put up for sale and would stop printing if a buyer wasn't found in 60 days. It's unlikely the paper will last past March.

What does a newspaper's staff do when faced with the deadliest of deadlines? It writes about itself on the Internet. Different journalists, including managing editor David McCumber, are covering the P-I's two-month drain day-by-day on a blog called "Sixty Days."

The blog carries little historical stories about the paper, newsroom video and accounts of McCumber's attempts to find a buyer and handle editorial meetings. All of which means that the closest account of the paper's death walk will be delivered via the instrument that partly killed it.



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