Vehicle Initial Quality Means Digital Happiness
    What is happening with initial auto satisfaction? One study, just out, says American vehicles are gaining on imports. And generally, satisfaction is down a tad across the industry.Once again, consumers are unhappy, or at least less happy with their cars, it seems, depending on whom you ask.
    Automakers Should Love Public Transportation
    The industry response to congestion-related wheel time has been to try to make a silk purse of a sow's ear, focusing on a how in-car technology can make this hideous situation more tolerable.
    Futbol, Empanadas, Apple Strudel And Chevrolet
    In the United States, it is not beyond the realm of possibility that futbol will be the new football in a couple dozen years. Maybe just a dozen. Or fewer. Maybe next week. After all, we are talking about a sport that leads the popularity list among Hispanic and immigrant populations of all stripes; and it is also becoming the sport of the next generation, thanks to organized youth soccer, and because it is cheaper to play, and less hazardous, generally.
    Grab That Fan And Hold On!
    Oh, that empowered customer! Woe be to the brand that doesn't listen to him, her, them. The empowered customer - however defined, and I guess that depends on who is doing the defining - can provide serious insight with deep history. Yes, tapping in to your stalkers can pay dividends.
    Mini Takes More Than The States
    BMW's Mini unit may be the only auto brand who can do that and they prove it every other year with an exercise in madness called "Mini Takes the States" (MTTS), a biennial event that the company has run since 2006.
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