• Don't Myspace my Facebook!
    "You have a Zombie invitation." "You have a Jedi vs Sith invitation." "You have an advanced wall message." If you are connected in any way to young people these days (or the media industry, for that matter) you know exactly what I am referring to: Facebook. It's the cocaine addiction of today's youth. I find [...]
  • Google + AOL = Heaven?
    More evidence for my argument that Google is slowly but surely taking over the world: reports indicate that Google has invested $1 billion in AOL. The byproduct of this investment? Those who enjoy the ability to chat with other GMail users (like me) directly within the browser interface now have an added bonus / distraction: AOL [...]
  • You gave me what?
    According to Dave Coffey, who tracks online trends for Sapient, those virtual gifts bought on Facebook and then given to fellow "friends," are so popular because they have significance: "For the person who gets the gift, it is like a badge of honor." Really? That's stretching it. And I think others would agree that buying [...]
  • Ads - get out of my lower third!
    Bloggers and professionals in the media industry have been discussing lower-third advertisements and fly-ins lately, and I felt the need to share a personal experience which might offer insight into what the audience actually thinks. This week, a roommate and I sat down to watch a Christmas movie- something we usually don't have time to do. [...]
  • Good Move, VZW
    A fellow nerd and friend sent me an IM this morning ecstatic over the news of Verizon embracing Google's Android. When Android's SDK hit the Web I rushed to check out the features that could one day become my "GPhone." I was very excited. Then I realized Verizon wasn't involved. I was preparing to switch carriers. [...]
  • Online Dating...I just don't get it.
    I have been seeing a lot of statistics lately related to online dating and how popular it is. The common statistic was that last year, 1 out of 8 people married someone they met online. Now, I spend a great deal of time in front of my computer (some would call it excessive) but regardless [...]
  • Xbox Online: Completely different gaming experience
    During the much needed Thanksgiving break my Dad insisted over and over again that I try playing XBOX 360 online. After I put it off for the umpteenth time, I finally agreed to try it a few hours before I returned to school. I honestly did not believe that by playing someone that [...]
  • Social Networking: Too Big?
    Over at Information Week, columnist Cory Doctorow raises a stunningly valid point: when it comes to online social networks, how big is too big? Let's think about real world social networks, he says. In real life (that place you go between power cycles on your laptop) you naturally separate your social circles. You have friends at [...]
  • Predictions for YouTube Debate
    GOP presidential candidates have been working overtime lately to separate themselves from the current administration and from one another in any way possible. The YouTube Debate slated for November 28th might be their golden opportunity. I was, and remain, one of the most ardent proponents of this debate format. The July debate was reminiscent of town [...]
  • Fox Flub
    More reason I have to doubt the Fox Business Network. "Oh, the Arabs!"
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