
Fastest Growing Market, As Well

That’s what Google’s Eileen Naughton said the online video advertising marketplace has emerged as.

In other words, online video is both the fastest growing medium from a consumer usage POV, and the fastest growing one from an ad spending perspective, growing more than 41% last year. But that’s still tiny. Naughton noted that it sill accounts for less than 4% of U.S. ad spending. By my estimates, it’s a lot less than that, but who’s counting?

What are the big obstacles?

Naughton said formats, targeting, and scale are the big hold-ups.

“As an industry, I think we’d all agree that we need to establish metrics that prove the value of online video, and do it in a meaningful way,” she said.

1 comment about "Fastest Growing Market, As Well".
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  1. Tommy Liu from Supercool Creative, June 19, 2009 at 4:57 p.m.

    As if being the fasting growing medium wasn't enough, now this. You got to believe a Google's spokesperson, they're the head-honcho of the internet (well maybe behind porn). This is going to go great on my company's blog. Thanks!

    Supercool Creative > > - blog

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