GSN Gets Ad Inventory From Google TV

Google TV Ads, which has struggled to gin up interest as an online TV ad-buying exchange, has begun offering inventory on GSN, the former Game Show Network, for sale on its platform.

One area where Google has hit some bumps is in trying to find national cable networks willing to sell space via the auction-oriented TV Ads system. With the exception of NBC Universal, none of the other major conglomerates owning cable networks has come on board. NBCU had initially said it would not place inventory up for bid on its top-tier USA or Bravo outlets.

Some network ad sales executives have complained that an online auction-type system may turn their inventory into a commodity and lower its value. However, the system is set up so they can turn down a price that is not deemed acceptable.

So-called independent cable channels have been willing participants -- with Hallmark Channel, Bloomberg TV and the Outdoor Channel selling on the system, and now GSN. (CBS College Sports, the single basic cable network owned by CBS, is also on board.)



GSN, formerly branded as the Game Show Network, is jointly owned by Sony Pictures Entertainment and Liberty Media. GSN offers shows such as "Deal or No Deal," "The Newlywed Game" and poker.

On its TV Ads blog, Google says "more than 65 million people watch the Game Show Network." GSN is available in 69 million homes, although by one measure, it only averages 315,000 total viewers in prime time.

Advertisers can use TV Ads to buy spots on specific networks that are available in a portion of the homes served by satellite operator Dish Network.

Google promises advertisers reports on how their ads perform, based on set-top-box data.

Separately, Google said it has launched a contest for small businesses -- the company believes TV Ads is an entrée for them into TV advertising -- in which they can enter a commercial in a contest and maybe win $25,000 worth of free ads. The contest is being conducted with SpotMixer, which helps consumers produce their own videos.

1 comment about "GSN Gets Ad Inventory From Google TV".
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  1. John Grono from GAP Research, September 8, 2009 at 9:44 a.m.

    65 million? That has to be some sort of aggregated figure, which is not the accepted usage. It appears as though GSN and/or Google are torturing audience data.

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