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Dell Turns Twitter Into Cash

  • Bloomberg, Tuesday, December 8, 2009 2:57 PM
Over a couple of years, computer maker Dell says it used Twitter to generate over $6.5 million in orders for PCs, accessories, and software. The third-largest maker of PCs started using Twitter two years ago to reach new customers, while the $6.5 million represents the total amount generated through direct customer interactions on Twitter over that time. While those sales are a fraction of Dell's $61.1 billion in annual revenue last year, the company sees Twitter as one of its most significant ways of interacting with customers.

The number of users signing up to get Dell's tweets has risen 23% in the past three months and now numbers 1.5 million, said Manish Mehta, vice president of Dell's online unit. More than 100 employees send out the tweets over 35 different channels. What's more, Dell reaches Twitter users in 12 countries, including the U.S., Brazil, Mexico, China and Japan. In particular, Brazil's Twitter users spent $800,000 in the past eight months.

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