
Connecting Email With Social Media

Michael McMahon, founder of Quick Ops, during a panel at OMMA Performance in San Francisco on Monday explored ways on how to marry email and social. He says Google had the correct idea when it launched Google Wave. Other companies can tap into a similar model. You make an offer to a core group of people, similar to Google Wave, and give them the ability to invite five friends to the group.
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  1. Ryan Deutsch, January 25, 2010 at 8:44 p.m.

    We are seeing a number of companies using email and social together. The most successful follow two very specific principles, targeting and testing social motivators. Not every customer is equal when it comes to social influence marketing. Be sure to identify those clients most likely to be advocates for your brand before including them in a social campaign. Once the potential influencers are identified be sure to test social motivators within your program. The most successful motivators we have seen relate to status and access. Meaning the act of sharing an offer increases a consumer’s status within their social network or grants them access to exclusive content that their peers do not have. Don’t forget old fashioned greed though, it is amazing what some people are willing to do for a Flip Minio HD!

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