


One of our readers kindly forwarded a summary of results from a new study by from Scripps Networks and Yankelovich Partners, Inc. on America’s technology trendsetters. The study was conducted as part of the fourth annual HGTV Lifestyle Trends Report, and offers a snapshot of technology early adaptors’ opinions on TV/Internet. These "tech-knows" and "tech-know households" represent 15% of the Internet population.

Some of the highlights include:

- Tech-Knows were 67% more likely than others to surf the net and watch TV at the same time. 52% of all Tech-Knows said they do this at least once a month. When using the computer and television together, Tech-Knows were found to be three times more likely to learn more about a project, recipe or idea seen on TV than they were to enter a contest.

- 68% of Tech-Knows said online services and Internet research had a "great deal or some influence" on their purchase decisions, more than twice the result as others.

- The hours Tech-Knows spend about 35 hours per month

- 40% more than other Americans who go online).

- 72% said that the "brand, in its advertising and labeling helps them make a more informed decision."

- 65% said the "brand represents their unique taste and individuality."

- 52% feel that the "brand gives them a level of emotional satisfaction."

- But, 37% were more willing than others to buy things from new and unfamiliar companies.

- 70% of Tech-Knows (compared with 60% of all U.S. adults) said they would like to be able to change room temperature settings from a remote location.

- 54% were interested in "smart homes," where all utilities, appliances, and security are controlled by a central computer.

- Tech-Knows were 32% more likely than others to show off their computers and other high-tech devices as part of their décor instead of hiding them.

The complete report is entitled Scripps Networks 2001 Profile of "Tech-Knows" and "Tech-Know Households."

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