
Daylight Savings Time Impacts Advertising

In an industry such as advertising, even the slightest thing can make the difference between a home-run campaign and complete dud. When planning your strategy for the months to come, it's important to have a pulse on your surroundings and environment.

With the longer days and warmer weather that Daylight Savings brings, advertisers' efforts and focus will gradually shift from more at-home media outlets such as TV and Internet to more out-of-home tactics, such as radio, magazines, and especially billboards. These outlets should be exploited because they provide a solid out-of-home audience that can easily accompany people in their outdoor time.

Moreover, the message in campaigns is definitely affected by DST. People feel differently during warmer seasons; they are more exposed and interact with advertising with a different dynamic than during the cold season. The brands use these changes to create new needs and trends for consumers.

The fact that it gets darker later in the spring than winter has an effect on what we do in our daily lives. Since DST brings warmer weather, we tend to spend more time outdoors and away from home. In recent years, numbers for more at-home media outlets, such as TV, have shown drops in ratings of 10% to 11% during the week that DST begins. Adding daylight to afternoon benefits retailing, sports and other activities that exploit sunlight after working hours.



This means that advertising campaigns should shift focus to more out-of-home tactics such as radio, magazines and billboards, to reach consumers and broadcast their message more efficiently.

Since advertising is a form of communication intended to persuade audiences, it's essential for media people to connect with crowds and be aware of consumer trends.

Media people like the DLB Group understand that consumers change everything from one season to another, including the way they eat, dress, shop and spend their free time. Media people are aware of this and create summer-type campaigns to be in step with the season and accomplish what audiences are looking for.

Media professionals are ready to adjust their work to any change in consumer trends. Since DST is intended to make days longer and save energy, we are ready to shift ad campaigns to more outdoor-friendly outlets, finding ways to advertise outside the conventional methods. And not only where to place the ad, DLB Group pays attention to every detail; the slightest change can affect consumers' behavior.

At DLB Group, we respect the message of each brand, and we work carefully to provide the right message at the right moment. That unique combination allows brands to effectively target their audience no matter the season or weather.

Our clients understand the importance of campaign shifts to interact and connect efficiently and emotionally to consumers.

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