Star Search: Burnett's Video Co. Joins Forces With Youtoo


It's one thing to comment on your social media page about TV shows, and it's quite another to be on TV with your comments. 

A new social media/TV network --- in partnership with veteran TV reality producer Mark Burnett -- will do just that. One of Burnett's companies -- VIMBY (Video in My BackYard) is joining forces with Youtoo, a cable network of 15 million homes that launched this week.

Youtoo says it has developed a revolutionary technology that allows viewers to record and submit videos, which are "filtered" for content and broadcast on TV. It says this automated process enables anyone, from anywhere, with Internet access or a mobile device to be on TV within minutes.

"Since millions of people want to be on TV, we have an app for that," stated Chris Wyatt, chief executive officer of Youtoo. "Think of it as Facebook meets TV, it's the evolution of the social network. In addition to interacting with your friends and followers, you can be on national television and interact with millions of people." Youtoo says it will start with putting some 500 people on TV each day in "Fame Spots." The spots can be recorded from an Apple, Android smartphone, tablet or computer.



Each Youtoo program is wrapped around a popular television or Web series, creating interactive content in which the host discusses the episode and invites viewers to be on television.

Mark Burnett's VIMBY will produce 250 short programs for the effort. Youtoo TV launches with older TV series, such as "The X Files," "Batman" and "Green Hornet," as well as some Web-based series.

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