
Real-Time Inexactitude, And What You 'Do With That'

Moderator Tim Hanlon began the opening panel on day two of OMMA Global in San Francisco by tossing a controversial question to his panelists: Buzz around the fact that brands are increasingly showing up in decidedly unfriendly brand related content (you know, porn), because the whole real-time market structure isn’t as exact as a lot of agencies and brands would like to manage.

Goodby, Silverstein & Partners Director of Communications Strategy Christine Chen says that’s more or less a fact of life given the real-time nature of digital media, but she says it’s “up to the agencies and the client to figure out what to do with that. Yes you can end up in an unpredictable environment. It’s what you do with that.”

In other words, it’s a potential opportunity as well as a challenge, but it all depends on how you think about and manage it.

Alle Aufderhaar, senior vice president-general manager at Omnicom’s Organic unit, thinks “we can do better than that,” asserting that we’ve moved beyond the “old days of stick your brand up there and hope the right audience finds it.”


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