
GRPs - Necessary Evil For Web Heads

Aaaaannd, we’re back to AOL’s recent decision to offer TV-style guarantees on audience delivery for its video ads. (Employing a new Nielsen ratings stream, AOL said the deals would be based on GRPs with audience demographics, not simply clicks or impressions.)

Ran Harnevo, AOL On Network’s SVP of Video, admits he’s not a huge fan of GRPs, and hopes they’re instinct in ten years. BUT, they’re a necessary evil if online networks want a bigger share of TV dollars.

“We’re doing GRPs,” Harnevo said -- end of story… for now. First, the Web needs to eat TV’s lunch, and only then can GRPs be replaced. “TVs not broken… yet,” Harnevo added. Connected TVs and “new pipes” will eventually break it… but not yet.

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