Google DoubleClick Search Adds Conversion, Cross-Channel Tools

Google has developed the next generation of DoubleClick Search, allowing users to optimize ads on platforms across AdWords and adCenter supporting campaigns across Google, Bing and Yahoo.

The company said DoubleClick Search V3 will get new features during the next few months, such as search funnel tools, to better understand a consumer's path to conversion and integrate a client's own data sources to inform search decisions. The additions should tighten integration between DoubleClick Search and other ad properties for better cross-channel optimization.

The interface, designed to sync with and look like AdWords, allows users to organize accounts in a variety of languages and currencies. It also integrates with DoubleClick for Advertisers to support display ads to gain better insight into how display ads impact search campaigns.

Stats from all search campaigns in one place allow marketers to use labels to keep tabs on keywords. The tool's Performance Bidding Suite claims to maximize clicks, conversions, return on ad spend, or a combination of metrics. Google claims that 88% of clients saw a significant boost in campaign performance.

There are 90 key metrics to customize the view of campaigns. Reports that may have previously taken hours to run and consolidate now take minutes. Event-level reporting gives detailed data for every click and conversion that campaigns receive, such as keyword, query, time, and referral data.

Google said clients that receive better performance include Kohl’s, which increased bulk editing efficiency by 44% and reduced troubleshooting by 20 hours a month, while Universal McCann implemented cost-per-action bid strategies for one of their automotive clients and saw conversion rates increase by 32%.

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