Consumers Favor Mobile For Email

E-mail-on-Smartphone-Shutterstock-AAre mobile and email a match made in heaven? Suggesting as much, new data shows that consumers are significantly more likely to open email on mobile devices -- 37% -- than through Webmail using a browser -- 30%.

That’s according to findings from email specialist Return Path, which reports that mobile open share has increased 300% since 2010, and shows no sign of slowing, with four out of 10 emails sent being read on a mobile device.

“The data shows a clear opportunity for marketers who take audience device and platform preference into consideration,” said Matt Blumberg, CEO of Return Path.

Which sectors are benefiting most from the chemistry between mobile and email? Of all retail, consumer product and real estate emails sent and then opened, about 40% were opened on a mobile device, versus an email desktop client (like Outlook) or through webmail on a browser.

The study also found that the type of information being reviewed could impact open rates on mobile devices, as a significant amount of banking-related emails -- 60% -- are still opened on desktops, probably for security reasons. Email users still make most of their online purchases through a desktop computer.

Globally, the report also found a variance in mobile usage by region. More Americans open email on mobile devices than their European and South American counterparts. In most regions, Android and iOS dominate the mobile marketplace.

Return Path also found that mobile behavior varies depending on the mobile operating system that consumers use.

More Apple users are using their devices to open and read email than any other group, with the iPad seeing more growth in email opens when compared to the iPhone.

Meanwhile, Windows Mobile saw an 85% increase in email opens since April, although the OS still only comprises 0.3% of all emails opened on a mobile device.

"E-mail on Smartphone from Shutterstock"

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