
Measuring Social Mom: One Size Does Not Fit All

We don’t need research to tell us social media has exploded.  From social music, games, and TV, to shopping and fitness regimens, we’re now sharing everything. 73% of the population is on Facebook.  77% is on YouTube.  83% of Pinterest users are pinning once a week or more.

But what I find remarkable – and what we uncovered in our recent 2013 Social Mom Report – is how much more intensely moms use social media than everybody else.  91% of moms use social media regularly; that’s 20% more than the general population.  So, if you’re a marketer trying to reach an audience that much more social, what’s your plan? 

Our advice: Dedicate yourself to knowing far more than you do today about exactly how and why Mom is using each of her social channels to manage her life. Only then will you be able to create messages that matter.




91% of moms have used Facebook in the past six months, compared to 80% of the general population.  They go there to socialize, share pictures or videos, and get their daily news fix.  92% of moms use the social network specifically to share family milestones, and 60% feel closer to friends who post regularly. In fact, moms say that if friends or family aren’t on Facebook, they’re not as much a part of their lives.

Platform insight:  Moms on Facebook welcome brands – but just like the fun and entertaining posts that fill their timeline, they expect timeliness and relevance. Use Facebook to offer sneak peeks at new products and provide limited-time deals and discounts. This is also where moms are most likely to share content with their friends, so giving them some social currency to share will pay back.


The visual revolution is here, and it’s changing social media forever – especially among moms, who are 87% more likely to use Pinterest than the general population.  They go to the site for decorating ideas and home inspiration, and their usage peaks when they’re getting ready for a new baby.  Our research shows that Pinterest drives purchasing: 32% of moms say they’ve bought something they saw on the site. 

Platform insights:  Moms are looking for inspiration here, so use Pinterest as part of your content marketing strategy, employing imagery to quickly create emotional connections and to educate about key features. And no silos – include “Pin It” buttons across your digital channels so it’s simple for her to share.


25% of moms are on Twitter (compared to 19% of the general population), but interestingly, they’re using it primarily to follow news, brands, and celebrities. Some also use it to socialize – but only when they’re looking for immediate interaction.

Platform insight:  Moms are dipping in to discover the latest news and updates, and to get value from brands. Tying together these ideas – a celebrity endorsement via tweet, for example, or a quick retweet of a topical newsflash – gives Mom a quick give-and-take value exchange that leverages the uniqueness of this platform.

Parenting Communities

Moms turn to parenting social networks specifically for information and support, and to engage directly with other moms in community forums.  Nearly 90% of moms research products and brands in parenting communities, and 59% have bought something because they saw it recommended by another mom.

Platform insight:  Partner with these community sites to get directly involved and understand firsthand how moms are engaging – and want to be engaged – as they discuss your category and brand. Listen to them, and act on what they say.  And if a mom asks a question, answer it – every time.

New moms spend an additional 10 hours of their day on parenting responsibilities.  So it’s clear they’re not using social media in spite of their busy schedule; they’re using it because they’re so busy.  Social channels allow moms to research, shop, and connect more efficiently than ever before. 

The key to engaging Social Mom is to recognize how different her new life is, filled with new priorities and new needs.  Brands that support her busy life, nurturing her journey with thoughtful solutions, build strong connections with the most social (and influential) consumer in the marketplace today.

1 comment about "Measuring Social Mom: One Size Does Not Fit All".
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  1. Amanda Keefer from Produce for Kids, May 10, 2013 at 4:01 p.m.

    Speaking of Pinterest... Can you make your articles pinnable? We, as many companies I know have done, started a best practices Pinterest board for social media. Great stats as always.

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