
Ogilvy's Cullen: Think Tomorrow More

Todd Cullen, Global Chief Data Officer at Ogilvy, says marketers can become too focused on ringing the cash register tomorrow and not building a connection so customers do it more than once over the long haul. He's working on switching some focus to gathering deeper levels of intelligence about people, not consumers.

"The trick there is a relationship," Cullen said on a panel on data-driven marketing.

Building that isn't easy, but shifting some priorities can result in collecting data more useful over time.

Of course, he said, driving quick transactions isn't to be overlooked.

Cullen spoke at the MediaPost Brand Marketers Summit.

He said he's looking to inspire more of the 250 analysts globally at Ogilvy. They mostly work on post-campaign analytics and their work is welcome by clients, but they can find it a big, well, boring.

So, he's "expanding the definition of analytics" to get analysts more involved in different areas of the agency work, which might make their job more fulfilling.

There's another seemingly easier way to excite them: offer cooler titles. So, data scientist or marketing sherpa can yield inspiration.

"That is suprisingly to me pretty exciting to a lot of people," Cullen said.



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