
Putting Location-Based Video Into The Social, Mobile Equation Of SoLoMo Strategy

With mobile as a clear medium to push marketing messages and create campaign connections, the opportunities for marketers are endless. Now the ability to micro-target consumers with hyper-relevant content, information and promotions at the intersection of time, location and behavior is very much a reality. But are marketers seeing the opportunity as real? Are they motivating their advertisers to do so as well? Are they delivering a media mix that is funded to support the consumer’s desire to be engaged? 

The current belief is that our peer community has only begun to break through SoLoMo’s potential. Most brands are slow to adopt integrated SoLoMo marketing as a whole. This shortfall misses the opportunity to engage with consumers on a deeper level. Social and mobile engagement tactics can be incorporated into a well-coordinated marketing mix using location-based video screens as a conduit for media and content distribution to on-the-go audiences. This practice should be seen as an extension of online video and local broadcast plans.

Yes, mobile is viewed as a key tactical strategy as marketers look to influence the path to purchase and increase engagement with consumers. But most importantly, mobile places the consumer front and center. It is the marketing challenge to remove the boundaries of budget lines, cross-function, cross-departmental silos and bring campaigns to life for consumers. We must deliver what consumers need, when they need it, in a moment of relevance, at the right time of day, to the right consumer with an exact offer.

Technology has provided us the tools for success. In good conscience, marketers and advertisers alike must create local engagement and social efforts to assist consumers to explore, by creating exciting campaigns that support the consumer’s SoLoMo activities. After all, isn't that what advertising is designed to do, i.e., inform, engage, share and evoke emotional connectedness to a brand?   

Including location-based video in an ad campaign’s media mix enhances a SoLoMo ad strategy and ultimately amplifies the opportunity for consumer engagement. Consumers have integrated social and mobile activities into their day-to-day behavior, so why do marketers struggle to supply the dollars to support their need?  It is clear that advertisers who keep up with the adoption of aligning their plans with day-to-day behavior will have a clear advantage. 

Utilizing physical location to deliver relevant social and mobile engagement to consumers, while factoring in behavior and their everyday journey, is no longer a dream. It is a winning reality.

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